Driven by our love for Jesus and His command to love one another, at CVPC we strive to love one another with the kind of sacrificial love Christ has shown to us. Our mission for our church family and our community is to Know Jesus, to Grow in Jesus, and to Show Him to the world.
Our Series for Term 1 2025 is called “Matthew Part II – Dangerous Life” and is from Matthew chapters 5-7. This term, we’ll hear the most famous sermon in history: Jesus’ ‘Sermon on the Mount’… we’ll see Jesus casting a vision of the ‘perfect’ life of a true community of followers.
Our Growth Groups for this term will be on the same topic and the Series Companion is available here.
Our VIP-Net Youth group meets Sunday afternoons from 4pm-6pm at the church hall, and will resume again on Sunday the 2nd of February 2025. Our VIP-Net Juniors meet Tuesday nights 6pm – 7.15pm, resuming on the 4th of February 2025. Cost is $2 per person.
If you’re part of the Callide Valley Community, or have just moved here and are looking to feel at home, we’d love to get to know you, and help you get to know Jesus too. In order to help you get to know us, feel free to get in touch, by emailing our minister Andrew Purcell (akpurcell2@bigpond.com), or giving us a call on 0439 510 500.