Bible Talks

In Term 3 of 2024 we are looking at “Dangerous Promises” in Matthew’s Gospel. This will be the first of Seven series in Matthew’s Gospel, spread over three years. This term is Part 1: ‘Dangerous Promises’, because the New Testament starts with danger in all 9 episodes of this term, from Matthew chapter 1, to chapter 4. To help you, we’ve made a ‘Series Companion’ for the term which is available on our home page. Our first sermon in the series called Dangerous Promises (14th July) is available here.

In Term 2 of 2024 we are looking at “God’s Dysfunctional Family” – a ten-week series in Genesis 12-35. Our first sermon called ‘God’s Promising New Family’ (14th April) is available here. Our second sermon called ‘Reacting Badly, Responding Well’ (21st April) is available here. Our third sermon called ‘Abraham’s Unhappy Triangles’ (28th April) is available here. Our seventh sermon ‘Deceiving the Ones We Love’ (26th May) is available here.

In Term 1 of 2024 we are looking at “8 Things You Just Can’t Live Without”. Our first sermon on Truth (4th Feb) is available here. Our second sermon on Identity (11th Feb) is available here. Our third sermon on Love (18th Feb) is available here. Our fourth sermon on Purpose (25th Feb) is available here. Our fifth sermon on Freedom (3rd Mar) is available here. Our sixth sermon on Security (10th Mar) is available here. Our seventh sermon on Joy (17th Mar) is available here.

Our Christmas 2023 Series is in Luke’s Gospel. The first sermon (Mary’s Song – by Lachlan Dingwall) 10th December is available here. Our second sermon “Zechariah’s Song” – 17th December is available here.

In Term 4 of 2023 we are looking at the Book of Hosea.  Our first sermon “God’s Steadfast Love” (8th October) is available here. Our second sermon “God Seeks Us in our Depravity” (15th October) is available here. Our third sermon “Judgment is Coming” (22nd October) is available here. Our fourth sermon “Our Merciful God” (29th October) is available here. Our fifth sermon “God Our Redeemer” (5th November) is available here. Our sixth sermon (12th November) “The Choice We Make” is available here. Our seventh sermon (19th November) “Reaping What We Sow” is available here. Our eighth sermon (26th November) “The Father Loves His Children” is available here. Our final talk in the series “Ransomed From the Grave” (3rd December) is available here.

“God’s Steadfast Love” is our first talk in our September Holiday Bible Series (17th September) and is available here. “Draw Near to God” is our second talk in our September Holiday Bible Series (24th September) and is available here.

In Term 3 of 2023 we are looking at Spiritual Disciplines as we seek to grow in our knowledge of Jesus so that we can represent him in the world. Our first talk in the series is on ‘Bible Reading’ (16th July) and is available here. Our second talk in the series is on ‘Prayer’ (23rd July) and is available here. Our third talk of the series on ‘Sabbath’ (30th July) is available here. Our fourth talk of the series on ‘Fasting’ (6th August) is available here. Our fifth talk of the series on ‘Sacraments’ (13th August) is available here. Our sixth talk in the series on ‘Silence and Solitude’ (Lachlan Dingwall) is available here. Our seventh talk of the series on ‘Singing’ is available here. Our eighth talk in the series on ‘Confession’ is available here. Our Ninth talk in the series on ‘Thanksgiving’ is available here.

Our two July school holiday sermons are available here:- Mr Bruce Ninness (2nd July), and The Beatitudes by Mr Lachlan Dingwall (9th July).

In Term 2 of 2023 we resume our series in Hebrews called “Jesus is Better”. Our first talk in the series “Jesus is From a Better Priesthood” is available here. Our second talk in the series “Jesus is Mediator of a Better Covenant” is available here. Our third talk in the series “Jesus Offers Thorough Purification” is available here. Our fourth talk in the series “Jesus’ Religious Duties are Completed” is available here. Our fifth talk in the series “Jesus Offers a Better Inheritance” is available here. Our sixth talk in the series “We Have A Better View of God’s Plan” is available here. Our seventh talk in the series “Running A Better Race” is available here. Our eighth talk in the series “Jesus’ Blood Speaks a Better Word” is available here. Our ninth and final talk in the series “Following Jesus our Better Leader” is available here.

Our Easter Series for 2023 is in Matthew’s Gospel and begins with our Palm Sunday Message “The Arrival of the King” which is available here. Our Easter Friday Message “The Innocent for the Guilty” is available here. Our Easter Sunday message “Victory” is available here.

In Term 1 and 2 of 2023 we are focusing on the letter to the Hebrews. Our series is called “Jesus Is Better” and looks at how Jesus is superior in so many ways. Our first talk “Speaking on God’s Behalf” is available here. Our second talk “Jesus is Better Than Angels” is available here. Our third talk (12th Feb) “Jesus Offers a Better Salvation” is available here. Our fourth talk (19th Feb) “Jesus is a Better Brother” is available here. Our fifth talk in the series (26th Feb) “Jesus is Better than Moses” is available here. Our sixth talk (5th Mar) “Jesus Offers a Better Rest” is available here. Our seventh talk (12th Mar) “Jesus – the Better Priest” is available here. Our eighth talk (19th Mar) “Jesus Leads Us To Maturity” is available here.

For our Christmas 2022 Summer Series, we are looking at Luke’s Gospel. Our first talk in the series “Mary’s Song” (11th of December) is available here. Our second talk in the series “Zechariah’s Song” (18th of December) is available here. Our third talk in the series “The Birth of Jesus” (Christmas Day) is available here. Our fourth talk in the series “John Prepares the Way” (1st of January 2023) is available here. Our fifth talk in the series “God is Pleased” (8th of January) is available here. Our sixth talk “Peter’s Encouragement” by Bruce Ninness is available here.

For Term 4 we are looking at the letter of James in the New Testament and his advice for followers of Jesus. Our first talk in the series “A Fine Work of Perseverance” (9th of October) is available here. Our second talk “The Righteousness God Desires” (16th of October) is available here. Our third talk “Love Thy Neighbour” (23rd of October) is available here. Our fourth talk “Genuine Faith” (30th of October) is available here. The talk from our Combined Churches Service “Gifts for the King” (30th of October, 7pm) is available here. The fifth talk “The Wisdom of Taming Your Tongue” (6th of November) is available here. Our sixth talk “The Folly of Divided Loyalty” (13th of November) is available here. Our seventh talk “Using Your Wealth for Good” (20th of November) is available here. Our eighth talk “Trusting in God Regardless” (27th of November) is available here. Our ninth and final talk in our James series “Pray Regularly, Save Often” (4th of December) is available here.

For Term 3 we are looking at Paul’s Letter to the Colossians. Here we will see Paul’s emphasis on Knowing Jesus, Growing in Jesus, and the importance of Showing Jesus to the world. Our first talk “Knowing God’s Will” (10th of July) is available here. Our second talk “The Gospel is for Anyone With Ears to Hear” (17th of July) is available here. Our Talk on David and Bathsheeba (24th of July) by Nathan Shannon is available here. Our third talk “Growing to Maturity” (31st of July) is available here. Our fourth talk “Protecting Your Faith” (7th of August) is available here. Our fifth talk “Living with Jesus’ Perspective” (14th of August) is available here. Our sixth talk “A Rich Gospel Culture” (21st of August) is available here. Our seventh talk “Heavenly Relationships” is available here. Our eighth talk “Showing the Gospel to the World” (4th of September) is available here. Our ninth talk “The Gospel Changes Everything” (11th of September) is available here. Our first School Holiday message “Passing on the Baton” (18th of September) by Mr James Cullen is available here. Our second School Holiday message “God Is Our Fortress” (25th of September) is available here. Our third School Holiday message “God is Worthy of All Praise” (2nd of October) is available here.

For Term 2 we return to the second half of Mark’s Gospel as we continue to see how God draws near to his people in the person of Jesus. Our talk “Disciples on The Way” (24th April) is available here. Our sermon “The Son of Man Coming in Power” (5th June) is available here. Our sermon “The King’s Preparation” (12th June) is available here. Our sermon “Seeing God Up Close” (26th June) is available here. Our final sermon in Mark’s Gospel “Following God From a Distance” is available here.

We held three Easter services this year, and the talks were as follows: Easter Thursday “The Last Supper”; Easter Friday “The Man for A Man”; Easter Sunday “The Risen King”.

For Term 1, 2022 we will turn to Mark’s Gospel and see that God comes close to his people through his Son Jesus. This series will begin on Sunday the 30th of January. For the first part of January 2022 we will have a short summer holiday series looking at how various Old Testament passages “Prepare the Way” for Jesus. Preparing the Way talk 1 (2nd January) is available here. Preparing the Way talk 2 (9th January) is available here. Preparing the Way talk 3 (16th January) is available here. Preparing the Way talk 4 (23rd January) is available here.

Talk 1 of our series ‘Seeing God Up Close’, called “New Beginning”(30th January) is available here. Talk 2 “New Authority” (6th February) is available here. Talk 3 “New Purpose” (13th February) is available here. Talk 4 “New Family” is available here. Talk 7 “A Great Harvest” is available here. Talk 8 “New Beginning for Anyone” is available here. Talk 9 “Seeing the Messiah” is available here. Talk 10 “His Kingdom is Coming” is available here.

In our lead-up to Christmas 2021, our summer placement student Mr Sam Herd is preaching two sermons from Luke’s Gospel. The first sermon called “An Unlikely King” from Sunday the 12th of December is available here. Our Sunday the 19th sermon from Luke chapter two called “Being Counted for the Kingdom” is available here.

IN Term 4 of 2021 we are looking at the book of Deuteronomy. This series will begin on Sunday the 17th of October, and our first talk “Moses Preaches the Past” is available here. Our second talk “Moses Preaches the Future” is available here. Our fourth talk “Moses Preaches the Law” is available here. Our fifth talk in the series “Moses Preaches Blessing and Curse” is available here. Our sixth talk in the series “Moses Preaches the New Covenant” is available here. Our seventh talk in the series “Sin and Failure” is available here. Our eighth and final talk in our Deuteronomy series “End of an Era” is available here.

In Term 3 of 2021 we are looking at the second half of John’s Gospel, and our series is called “The Divine Revealer :- Revealing Jesus, Revealing Us”. The series will begin on Sunday the 18th of July and our first talk in the series called “See The Glorious Life Giver” is available here. Our second talk in the series “Welcome the King of Glory” is available here. Our third talk in the series “The Fulness of Time” is available here. Our fourth talk in the series “Preparation, Promises, Presence” is available here. Our sixth talk in the series “Tragedy to Triumph” is available here. Our seventh talk in the series “Divine Love” is available here. Our eighth talk in the series “Who Is It You Want?” is available here. Our ninth talk in the series “The Crowning of the King” is available here. Our talk “Listen to the Word” by Mr James Cullen is available here. Our tenth talk in the series “Reacting to the Resurrection” is available here. Our final talk in the series “Follow Me” is available here. Peter Bradbury’s talk from the 10th of October “Sitting at Jesus’ Feet” is available here.

In Term 2 of 2021 we went through the “Discipleship Explored” series from the book of Philippians. The first talk in the series “Confident in Christ” is available here, and the accompanying video is available here.  Our second talk in the series “Living In Christ” is available here.  Our third talk in the series “One in Christ” is available here. Our fourth talk in the series “Obedient in Christ” is available here. Our fifth talk in the series “Righteous in Christ” is available here. Our sixth talk in the series “Transformed In Christ” is available here. Our seventh talk in the series “Rejoicing In Christ” is available here. Our eighth talk in the series “Content in Christ” is available here. Our June/July school holiday sermon “The Lord Rescues” – Part A is available here. Our final holiday sermon “The Lord Rescues” – Part B is available here.

In Term 1 of 2021 we studied John’s Gospel. Our series was called “The Elusive Jesus” and our Growth Group Studies for Term 1 are available here. Our draft 2021 calendar is available here.  Our first talk in the series “In the Beginning” is available here. Our second talk in the series “Finding Messiah” is available here. Our third talk in the series “Tasting New Life” is available here. Our fourth talk in the series “Concealing/Revealing” is available here. Our fifth talk in the series “The Best Man” is available here. Our seventh talk in the series “The Tale of Two Crimes” is available here. Our eighth talk in the series “True Shepherd” is available here. Our ninth talkin the series “The Elusive Sent One” is available here.

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